
Morning Light

Somehow, unintentionally, this years Monochrome Madness turned out to be all about the light. Week after week my images focus on natural light, manipulating the light, playing with light…once again it is confirmed that best things come spontaneously.

This sepia image is one of my  early morning images I take every day, while walking with Berta. They are usually bound to be published on Instagram, but I decided to use this one for Monochrome Madness.


After few rainy days, Sava spilled out of its riverbed, as it usually does in rainy seasons. I love little details of this image, the anchor finally touching the water, the half-submerged panel with the instructions for rowboats on how to approach the pier, the fact that I can distinguish where the riverbed sits…

Sitting here and absorbing every little detail, only now can I appreciate the beauty I encounter on my everyday walks. This is just one more added value to the art of photography.

Next week we tackle another monthly theme, this time it is Lines. Again, few ideas are forming in my mind, but it is anyones guess how successful the execution will be.

That is all I have for you this week… for more excellent entries, you can check tomorrow Leanne’s blog Leanne Cole PHOTOGRAPHY.


January on Instagram

Expanding your creative horizons can come from so many different directions. There is no real excuse to not challenge and push yourself every day. Because the world is around you, everywhere you look…It is not in a far away land that you dream of visiting, once you find a better job and save some money. The world is at your exposure every morning when you open your eyes.


As you can see, my little Instagram project is still going strong. For almost 100 days I am taking pictures on my morning walks and I am still able to find something new. Weather it is a different subject or a different angle or a different light, I rediscover my little piece of heaven again and again. I don’t think I appreciated the beauty that surrounds me, until I saw all the images together.

There is even a fresh face this month, my best friends dog, a very irresistable Jack Russel named Vilma. Berta and I both adore her, I hope there will be some new images with the two of them. If I am able to catch them in the same frame. 😀

My beautiful railway bridge is officially named “Hendrix”! For over thirty years someone makes a graffiti at the side of the bridge and every time officials paint it over, but soon after the name “Hendrix” is proudly standing again. In the end, urban culture won. There might be hope for us…

I think Berta is warming up to my silly hobby, I managed to get few really beautiful images. She is still ignoring me, but at least she is still. 😛 I am quite taken by the colors in all these images, what a talented artist nature is. Looking at the collection, I am only inspired to continue with this Instagram project. Isn’t that something?

I got a wonderful Christmas present that arrived in the middle of January – Samsung Galaxy S6, the phone with the best camera. What a difference it makes, compared to my old iPhone 4S, a pure joy. You can find me on Instagram if you look for snowlocked, I would love to follow you there, too.

Lastly, I would like to share with you this heavenly piece of music, a beautiful soundtrack for my morning walks.


Sail Away With Me

We just received a big shipment of goods for my company and while everyone is helping (we are really small company), I managed to sneak out, just to write this post. I always schedule it in advance, but never compose my thoughts until Friday. So, here are my thoughts…

…well, in the meantime I had to return to work, so here are my thoughts now.

Loré Dombaj ABF41 beforeSometimes just a small adjustment can make a big difference. I was surprised to see how this one came to life, when all I did was increasing temperature and saturation. Little bit of healing to make that boat more shiny and that was it.

Loré Dombaj ABF41 after

See, I kept it sweet and short. First day of spring and all that…flying home on my broomstick. 😛

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You can check other entries over at Stacy’s blog Visual Venturing.

As usual, have a fabulous weekend and stay beautiful!