
Another Monochrome Year Has Gone By

The second anniversary of Monochrome Madness Challenge sneaked on me. It is a double themed week and I completely forgot. Besides a regular monthly theme that was Close up, I had to sneak number two into the image. As usual, I prepared another image and just realized 5 minutes ago that I need to find something else.

Thankfully, I managed to stumble upon this image that vaguely fits both themes. Is it a close up? Yes, it is! I thought of doing a macro shot, but this fits the bill. Does it represent number two in a sense? Yes, it does. Two towers, people! I told you once, I am the master of winging it. 😀


As always, my post-processing is so simple, a second grader could do it. I just added some drama to the sky, because the original had crystal clear blue sky and it looked a little bit flat in black and white.

Since this is the second anniversary of one of my favorite challenges, I would like to share with you a selection of images from those two years, a sort of reminder.

I hope this madness will last for many more years and I hope I will find joy in creating  monochrome images week after week.

For more beautiful monochrome images, visit Leanne’s blog Leanne Cole PHOTOGRAPHY, where every Wednesday she hosts Monochrome Madness Challenge.

2 thoughts on “Another Monochrome Year Has Gone By

  1. Great entry this week. I decided to make due with one I had planned with out the “2” reference. I am grateful for this challenge for many reasons, meeting lovely bloggers like you is one of them. Wonderful gallery Lore, my all time favorite of yours is week 32 from this year. Splendid image! Happy Anniversary to you, I hope it continues too 🙂

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