

Milano 151

Years go by, yet the pain remains,
Carved in my bones with a pocket knife.
If I could break them and re-set again,
I wonder if that would reshape my life.

And after all the years… time stands still.

The reflection in the mirror stares back,
Who is this stranger with a mirthless smile?
I frantically search for a trace of familiarity,
But it’s lost to me, covered with blood and bile.

And yet again… time stands still.

I try to tame the hunger with things I hate,
Hoping I’ll get my demons back on a leash.
This life is nothing more than one big cliché,
Poor imitation of already used pastiche.

Over and over again… time stands still.

Followed by a shadow of imminent demise,
My screams echo in a silent solitude.
Prisoner of past, present and future,
I find myself a singularity in the multitude.

Like a broken watch… time stands still.

Who is this child without a father?
And who is this motherless daughter…
Capable of remembering every silver lining,
Even when she is drowning in a knee-high water.

Rushing, running…while time stands still.

I wonder about her from time to time.
Will she be able to run up the hill?
Can she find once more the reason to live?
Breathing even if the…

…time sands still.

Claudia Schönfeld and Brian Miller of dVerse each selected a poem and asked us to grab one line, either of Claudia’s or Brian’s poem and write our own poem, based on the line we chose.

I picked the line from Claudia’s poem “sketching on Portobello Road//the clock//is body-less”…and yes, you guessed it – time stands still.

38 thoughts on “Amaranthine

  1. Amaranthine… has to look that word up, now this poem makes perfect sense… so the pain is everlasting, like time standing still. Visceral write; especially liked, “Followed by a shadow of imminent demise” ah, the pain, the memories… can’t even escape them in their dying moment…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. that first stanza really sets this up with a vivid image…not only the carved bones…but the thought of rebreaking them and resetting them to shape a better life…nice intensity all the way through in feeling…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well done. It’s true that pain can be ceaseless; it doesn’t mean one can’t function/live, however.
    Really like this part:
    Prisoner of past, present and future,
    I find myself a singularity in the multitude.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Viscerally painful, deeply personal and heartfelt poem (even if I hope you have not experienced those feelings). I thought amaranthine was a gemstone, so I too had to look it up – and now the whole colour of the poem makes sense.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. breaking and re-setting bones… shaping life in a new way and change certain things… sometimes i wish that it would be possible… great intensity in your images here… and i do hope that she finds a way to breathe – and live again

    Liked by 1 person

    • It is not deleted, furthermore I replied to your comment. Check all the comments under my post and you will see it. And I really do not appreciate your remarks. I take special care of replying to every comment made on my posts first and then I make my rounds. I visit around 150 blogs every week, read posts and comment. I participate in few photographic and writing challenges where I met so many wonderful people and I truly enyoj this blogging experience and the big part of it is visiting others and commenting on their work. I really don’t understand what do you expect from me?


  6. What an intense and feeling poem. From the carved bones, to resetting and all through, the repetition and variants of time stands still. So many times, it does stand still and our heart seems to stop beating. Wonderful.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Isn’t this the uncertain history we all have – during those times when nothing seems to move; we take stock, we question, “what if”. Well explored and dramatically written with effective use of rhyme and the repetition of the initial lines..and the punched up change at the end. Very fine indeed.

    Liked by 1 person

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