
Just a Little Bit!

It’s Friday! And among many good things that Fridays usually bring, one is the AfterBeforeFriday Forum, hosted by our dear Stacy Fischer on her blog Visual Venturing.

I promised myself I’d be good this week, trying to keep my imagination in my little box. I  wanted to show that I can take images that don’t need a heavy hand in post-processing.


No cropping, imagine that! I really took my time to take this photo, trying to get the symmetry. But me being me, I forgot to bring down the ISO, so it turned out too bright. I slightly adjusted brightness and contrast, just to make it a little bit sharper. And that was all. You see, miracles do happen.


P.S. I just couldn’t resist, so I created another after, with a little sparkle of drama. I cropped the original ever so slightly, to make it more tight and then I went wild. Just a little bit. o_O


The image was taken last May in Milan, Italy. If you didn’t guess already, it is the famous Duomo di Milano, the fifth largest cathedral in the world and the largest in Italy.

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That’s it for this week, enjoy your weekend.

24 thoughts on “Just a Little Bit!

  1. Emilio Pasquale says:

    Sorry but there is no such thing as “a little bit wild”! That’s like a woman saying she’s a little bit pregnant! You did a darn good job in camera. So good that you almost cannot see your post processing. The third image is really good, too, but I think this time I prefer the more straightforward edit!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I don’t know why I always choose chellenging images to post-process. Maybe because when the image is good, I don’t think it’s necessary to tinker with it. But then I realized people probably think I am awful with my camera, because I only post images that need to be edited. So I decided to show the world how awsome I trully can be. 😛


      • Emilio Pasquale says:

        Well, if people really think that way, then they must think I’m the worst photographer in existence because I never post a photo that hasn’t been processed at least a little. The camera lens is nothing like the human eye. And I enjoy playing God sometimes and improving on what it sees. At least I hope I improve the image.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Snow, it is funny that we both chose photos that didn’t need a great deal of work this week, and show off the photographic skills rather than just photoshop skills! your image is great, i love both the of your final edits.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Really cool image Lore! the subtle changes in the first “after” really make the image stronger. I wondered what had happened this week, then I scrolled down and there it was, I love the second “after”, very dramatic! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Don’t you just hate when you forget to turn down the ISO?? I spent a weekend in New York City with mine cranked up to 1000. Ugh. Thank goodness for noise filters, but those will never give you the clarity of the image you would have had had you been paying attention in the first place 😦 But I see no degradation in your photo at all. So that’s happy. And I love the perspective, the symmetry, and the subtle changes you made (which is all this photo needed)! A shout-out for your slide show too. You and Emilio are channeling each other again 🙂 As for the last photo, makes me think of the Hunchback of Notre Dame (yeah, I know, different country, but still …). Fun post, Loré!

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