
December #One Four Challenge – Step I

Welcome, welcome!!!

First day of the last month of the year, first Monday, first week in a new One Four Challenge, courtesy of Robyn from Captivate Me. The idea is to take one of our own images and process it four different ways – sharing it over four weeks on our own blogs – one image per week. If you would like to join in the fun, please hop to her blog and read some more info.

Last month I revealed the original from the beginning. This month I will take a different approach, because my idea is to really make every step unique and as far removed from original as possible. I don’t know if I’ll succeed in my intentions, but it will certainly not be for lack of trying.


I don’t know if you get yourselves in trouble too often, but it seems I just look to make things harder for myself. I was bent to have a Christmas image as this month’s subject of my crazy experiments, but I don’t have a lot of “christmasy” images in my collection. I was playing with few and decided on this one from my trip to Vienna in 2007. I was so fascinated by the variety of decorations, I spent my time going around their famous Christmas Market and snapping pictures.

I could beat myself with a stick for the lack of quality. But if I did that for every poor image I ever took, I would end up in hospital. 😛 As my grandma and all grandmas around the world used to say – No crying over the spilt milk.

My post-processing choices are by now well-known and too boring to repeat over and over again. I am really trying to stay away from Orton, but every time I use it, I just can’t go back. One thing I used for the first time was adding the snow. There is a section in PicMonkey with different Themes, one of those is Winterland. There I found some snow just lying around and thought to myself: Why not?

Please, shower me with your love and admiration and I will smoother you with tons of “christmasy” stuff. 😀

My best friend just called me and demanded I remove the snow: “I don’t like it! Remove it, it looks so fake.” Oh my, she nearly gave me a heart-attack, but I am sticking with it.

32 thoughts on “December #One Four Challenge – Step I

  1. Fun! I like the Christmas theme for this month 🙂 This may just be me, when I look at this image it is like looking into a window of a fancy Christmas display, the snow looks like it is reflected off a window. I like the colors too.


  2. Emilio Pasquale says:

    The snow does NOT look fake to me. I actually like it. It adds to the image and to the theme. I can’t wait to see how this progresses. I’ve decided to view from the sidelines this month as I am swamped by life- as I know we all are, but that’s my excuse!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Showering you with love and admiration!
    You always make me smile Loré (look, I did it) – or laugh out loud.
    Making things hard for ourselves can be challenging and fun – win or lose, it’s ok, because we learn stuff.
    I like your chosen image this month and can’t wait to see what you do next.
    I like the feeling of Christmas the snow gives and an extra dimension 😀


    • A+ for é, I knew you could do it.
      It makes me so happy when I manage to make someone smile or laugh. Isn’t it grand to spend your life with the smile on your face?
      I have no idea where I’ll go next, me being a smart one, wanting to do something special….yeah, right. 😛
      As always, thank you for your kind words, much appreciated over here.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I did do it 😃😃
        You will come up with something interesting and wonderful – you always do!!
        I really like the image you chose and I suspect most of us haven’t got a clue whats next, until we’re halfway there – i speak for myself anyway on the days without a plan.
        This is why experimenting is so much fun!!
        Yes smiles and laughter make the world go round 😃😃

        Liked by 1 person

  4. leecleland says:

    Oh, I’m going against the general concensis here as I don’t really like the snow (sorry), but when I think of it as a reflection in a store window of snow (which I think someone else said) it’s OK. I do love the basic image it says all great things about Christmas cheer and love and laughter. And I too am amazed that not many of us chose a Christmas theme for this month, I haven’t had a chance to check out everyone yet still getting there. Be interesting to see what direction you take next week.


    • Oh, my friend will be happy that someone else doesn’t like the snow. She’ll say “I told you so.” 😀 I don’t mind your dislike, I appreciate honesty.
      My first step is a departure from the original, I know what I’ll try for the next week, but I have no idea what to do beyond that.
      Thank you for your lovely comment.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. lensaddiction says:

    I confess I didn’t even notice the snow, but its a great image for this month and look forward to your next version and the final great reveal!


  6. I like the Christmas-themed photo idea, to be honest I didn’t even think about choosing a photo that reflected the month we are in… but I also don’t have that many Christmas photos to play with. I’m interested to see where you take this photo.


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