
Time for another entry in Friday Fictioneers challenge, courtesy of Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. If you want to give it a try, check the info on her blog. 100 words more or less, inspired by a photo, here we go….

 Copyright –    J Hardy Carroll

Years go by, yet the pain remains,
carved in her bones with a pocket knife;
if she could break them and re-set again,

I wonder if that would reshape her life.

Followed by a shadow of imminent demise,
her screams echo in a silent solitude.

Prisoner of past, present and future,
she is a singularity in the multitude.

I wonder about her from time to time.

Will she be able to run up the hill?
Can she find once more the reason to live?
Breathing… even if the time stands still.

52 thoughts on “Amaranthine

  1. You’ve used some powerful images in this enigmatic poem. The phrase “Prisoner of past, present and future,” makes her completely devoid of free-will. “carved in her bones with a pocket knife” is a strangely specific metaphor. Amaranthine – resembling an eternal flower. The only thing I could imagine that would work as a key to the verse is that you’re writing about Gaia, and the way her present and future are harmed and constrained by man’s activities. But I don’t think that’s right!

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  2. The pocketknife line is very good. It is a very dark poem, but the title and its reference to an unfading or undying flower gives me hope that this depression will stay only briefly and soon be overcome. I hope that she will spring back with the beauty of her namesake to enjoy life to its fullest!

    Liked by 2 people

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