
 Time for another entry in Friday Fictioneers challenge, courtesy of Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. If you want to give it a try, check the info on her blog. 100 words more or less, inspired by a photo, here we go….


 Copyright –  J Hardy Carroll

This was my home. Never really liked it.

It was a splendid house, filled with gorgeous people surrounded by beautiful things…With shadows lurking in dark corners.

Unwanted hands grabbing whatever they could get, sinister whispers wrapping around innocent souls, heads turning to the other side, pretending not to see what should never be unseen.

It seemed I never really left, towing all that baggage half across the world, with ghosts flying out of my suitcases. In the end, it was not the inheritance that dragged me back, but those persistent ghosts.

This was my home. I set it on fire.

61 thoughts on “Inception

  1. This was bitterly good. I loved the tone. I think I’d have said “trying not to see what could never be unseen” rather than ‘should’. But perhaps you were trying to make a different point to the way I looked at it. In any event, excellent!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. IfeomaO says:

    Reminded me of The Vampire diaries when Elena set the house on fire with her brother in it (dead)..yikes “unwanted hands…on innocent souls”, God help us if that’s possible 🙂 nicely written, with good imagery.

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  3. mickwynn2013 says:

    Great story, baggage never seems to get truly left behind. Ghosts in suitcases is a great metaphor, wherever you go however you try they’re coming with you.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Some of those ghosts flew out of the suitcase into the reader’s minds too. Very powerful image and description of the house…the “what should never been unseen” added a complex layer of mystery, sadness and fear.

    Well done!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Good word selection, descriptive voice! I absolutely love this track. I have not seen the movies, but been listening to the song for years. The resonate emotions embedded with the beautiful string section moves me to tears every time. Oh…to be loved like that.

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  6. I think either some horrendous, disturbing things happened in that house that drove her away, she’s tremendously disturbed, or both. One does not simply burn their house down without reason. Also, either the ghosts are in her mind or the house is haunted. I tend to think the ghosts are terrible memories. Well done and layered, Lore. —- Suzanne

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