
ABFriday! I’ve Missed You!

I’ve missed last two ABFridays, but I have a rather good excuse. I was traveling to Prague! How I love that city, too bad it was non-stop raining. Hopefully, I’ll manage to find some time and go through rather slim collection of photos I took there.

For this Friday I am sharing an image I took at the beginning of the month, down by the river. It is one of my favorite places to walk and take photos, because I am there every day and I really need to search for something different.

This rusty chain is holding in place the wooden dock where I spent my summer. There is a series of steps leading to it and I couldn’t help but notice how the chain looked interesting from that point of view.

I really liked the image, so I tried not to mess with it too much. By cropping it, it feels like the perspective changed a bit and by adding some contrast and the vignette, it looks more tight and focused.

Interestingly, there was no need for manually adjusting the color, I just used the Orton effect and the image came to life.
As always, we would love if more people could join in our weekly fun. Please, be so kind and check other participants and all the information about the ABFriday Forum on Ben’s blog Aperature64.

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