
After Before or Before After?

I was wondering what would be my theme for this week’s ABF. As it is probably noticeable by now, I like to do different things, various approaches, question what I know or think I know.

To me, ABF was never a place to just show my “before” and the best version of “after”, but the place where I can brainstorm all of my ideas, learn many new things and get the feedback. I admit, it hit me harder than I anticipated, the first time I got a critique. Fortunately, I got over it very quickly and today I can laugh at that. Sensitive little flower. 😛

My point is, although this is a virtual world composed of bytes and pixels, this is my favorite place to hang around.

Ok, enough of all  that mushy mushy stuff…moving on to this week’s subject.

Loré Dombaj ABF46 before

It happens once in a million, but there are images I really like how they were taken originally. This is one of them. For the sake of argument, I played around and posted the best “after” version. Still, I prefer the original.

I don’t know how many of you know this, but I don’t actually own a camera. My best friend buys cameras and rarely uses them (I could strangle her 😛 ), so I manage to borrow the equipment from her.

I took this image last October, when I was visiting our local flea market, with my friend’s Canon EOS 500D. I was so exited, because I used it for the first time. As I was already participating in ABF and Leanne’s MMC, I tested my acquired knowledge. I remembered Stacy’s post about shooting from the hip, so I spent the entire morning just clicking without actually looking through the eye of the camera. I had a blast!
Loré Dombaj ABF46 afterI think that is way I like the “before” image so much. For the first time I realized I could take a quality image and not just pretend to know what I am doing. I am sure someone else could edit this image in way that would blow my mind, but I couldn’t get any “after” that I liked more.

My lesson for this week – what is better, after before or before after, it is all in the eye of the beholder.

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I will not participate in May One Photo Focus and probably all May ABFs, because I will be on my vacation and traveling. That will not stop me from following what all of you will be doing, so keep up the good work and have fun.

Please, be so kind and check other wonderful entries on Stacy’s blog Visual Venturing.


14 thoughts on “After Before or Before After?

  1. I’m with you on this one I like the before more compared to the after version. It doesn’t give it a vintage look as such but just takes one back to some past memories.
    Enjoy your vacation Lore. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I know it would be such fun to shoot with you.. and I didnt know you dont own a camera! Love your way of working it out. You have a generous friend 😃
    The original is also my favourite.
    Have a happy and relaxing holiday xx


  3. Can I just say I’ve been blasting the Cheers song – I’m already on the second playing! LOVE this song. Thanks for making me smile … and smile … and smile 😀 Now, on to your beautiful dolls. I like the original a bit better and I think it’s because of the cooler colors. I actually am having a hard time choosing! In the end, I think I’m a partial to the warmer, sun-kissed tone of the second, but the margin is small 🙂 That’s the beauty of photography (well, all art, actually). Everyone sees something different! Great post, as always. Even without the Cheers song, I would have smiled, just because I love how down to earth you are, Loré. What are we going to do without you for the next month??? 😔

    Liked by 1 person

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