
January #One Four Challenge – Finale

Here we are, at the finale of this month’s One Four Challenge. This event is growing bigger every month, it is very challenging to visit every participant and leave a comment. So, if I skipped some of you, please don’t hold it against me. I think you are all wonderful peeps!

My last edit started very simple, I tried to work on the original with minimum editing, just to make some slight improvements. But the thing is, the original is as good as it gets. Aside from tinkering with exposure and colors, there is not much to do. And I did that in the second week.


So, again I went down the crazy road. While exploring the color pallete, I found these lovely shades of blues and greens that reminded me of water. The fact those clovers were growing from the sand, just pushed me further.

As usual, my edits are done with the combination of PicMonkey and Pixlr. There is a fun section of overlays in PicMonkey, where I located the “water” and added those ripples at the top. Some lightening and softening was added to make it more “underwater”.

I have no idea if it looks like an underwater image, but I like it. And as I said many times before, that’s the only requirement in my book. 😛

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Here is my gallery with all the versions and below is this month’s poll. Your votes and comments are highly appreciated, I am looking forward to the feedback.

Just a reminder, if you want to see other participant’s edits,just type in your Reader “onefourchallenge” tag and visit Robyn’s blog Captivate Me.

29 thoughts on “January #One Four Challenge – Finale

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