
January #One Four Challenge – Week 1

And I am back…

Oh, sweet holidays…It was nice while it lasted. But now it’s time to get back to the blogging world. New year, new month, new One Four Challenge.

Somehow I managed to post only Christmas related photos throughout last month, but I must confess I am glad it’s over. Interesting how I am all in the holiday spirits at the beginning of December, but once January comes, I want it all gone.

For this month’s challenge I picked an image of some wild clover leaves I took in October. It was a warm and sunny day, filled with beautiful colors. I hoped it would lift my spirits to work on it.


For my first week I made very small adjustments. The image was edited using PicMonkey and I wanted to do some subtle changes, just to enhance the colors and the shadows. I applied Orton effect to get the dreamy quality and adjusted brightness and saturation.

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Honestly, I have no idea where it will lead me next week. But I guess that is the real challenge.

The One Four Challenge is hosted by Robyn from Captivate Me, if you are interested in more information or want to join us, you can find it all there. If you’d like to see other participant’s work, just search for the tag “one four challenge” in your Reader.

Are there any volunteers to help me remove all the Christmas decorations? I wish I could just make them go away with my magic wand. But they forbade me to use it after the last incident. 😮

25 thoughts on “January #One Four Challenge – Week 1

  1. I love sweet clovers like these. The sun is lighting them beautifully. I always enjoy your edits each week, you push a photograph in interesting directions, for me. Happy New Year! Hope the cleaning up of the holidays is swift and painless 🙂


  2. lensaddiction says:

    Lovely shot and you are right down at ground level to get that intimate view. Your colour treatment is a great improvement on the original.

    Im wondering what difference it would make if you cropped off that blurred foreground bit, there is a clear bit of ground to crop into there? And maybe even the really dark bit off the left?


  3. I really enjoy the images you choose for our challenge Loré and I like the changes you have made already – there is certainly plenty of room for editing within this image.
    I love clover – the leaves and flowers in all their stages are beautiful.
    A magic wand would be an ideal addition to Christmas ;D What DID you do with it last time?


  4. This is a nice production. I like how your treatment of it, for me at least, emphasizes that they’re growing still, that they’re young and stretching. Vibrant green is always a beautiful color and you did well to enhance the shadows. 😀


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