Silver Lining

Time for another entry in Friday Fictioneers challenge, courtesy of Rochelle Wissof-Fields. If you want to give it a try, check the info on her blog. 100 words more or less, inspired by a photo, here we go….


 Copyright – Melanie Greenwood

It will be recorded in history books that the day was partly cloudy, temperature was 13°C, with humidity slightly higher than usual. It will be recorded there were no warning signs, nothing unusual about that morning.

It will be strange to explain how the entire population vanished in a single moment.

It will be even harder to understand why one woman was left behind.

Melanie didn’t panic, equanimity was always her strong suit. Instead, she picked up her camera and captured her reflection in a window, thinking: Cheer up, darling. It could be so much worse. He is gone, too.

46 thoughts on “Silver Lining

  1. Dear Lore,

    This was marvelous. I had a deeply satisfying belly laugh at its conclusion. If I had the power to create silver linings the world would have far fewer people on it. Very well done.




  2. Melanie says:

    I absolutely love your story. The delivery, the voice, the hope when all seems lost. And that you captured the loneliness of the empty table and the faint reflection in the window all in 100 words.


  3. Enjoyed your silver lining. Reminds me of a time when an elderly woman told me her husband was dead. I was so sorry and then she smiled and said she’s not.



  4. Dear Snow, Great story – Well, to tell the truth, she will be working so hard trying to stay alive (planting/harvesting food; keeping safe water available and so much more – never mind about the electricity that will stop. Sounds like Eve needs to find Adam. Good job!


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