I Reflect In You

Time for another entry in Friday Fictioneers challenge, courtesy of Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. If you want to give it a try, check the info on her blog. 100 words more or less, inspired by a photo, here we go….


 Copyright –  CEAYR

Her footsteps didn’t surprise Ivar. He welcomed them as his own heartbeat. Without either, there was no living.
“How did you know I was not him?”

Rowena stepped out of the shadows, treading the shimmering line that separated their worlds.
“As doppelgängers go, you are close to perfection. But he never loved me the way you do.”

Ivar moved closer to the energy field, aquamarine light reflecting in his eyes.
“I loved you in all the worlds I lived in. Even in those that didn’t have you. Come with me.”

The saddest smile danced on her face.
“It wouldn’t be the same.”

The idea for a steam punk story came to my mind few days ago. I tried to pack it all here, in 100 words. Originally, she kills him, so this is a gentler version. Also, there was no room to paint a steam punk world. I desperately need someone who will make me finally put all these stories to paper…or binary code.