
One Four Challenge – FotoSketcher

In my April review of all the One Four Challenge images, I realized there is a FotoSketcher version in four out of five months.

When I slowly ventured into the world of post-processing, I faced a problem from the beginning. Wherever I looked, people were using Photoshop/Lightroom.  I thought to myself – There you go, from the start set to achieve impossible. My PC was an ancient thing (still is), running a 32-bit version of Windows XP, meaning I couldn’t install PC/Lightroom. So, I had to wiggle my way around, finding free editing software.

One of the first programs I ran into was FotoSketcher.  As I stated in my post from last Monday, at first I felt it was cheating. It took me long time to cast those doubts away. The image bellow helped me do that.

                Week 3

January Week 3

Prior to this, I was shyly courting FotoSketcher, doing things to “improve” my images or mask things I didn’t like. But with this one, I went all in and finally understood that it is all about my creative freedom. And the one thing that I always look in my images is the story.

I am the storyteller. I write, I dream, I imagine…in all my childhood years my imagination took me on the wildest journeys. As I grew older, real life intervened and for a brief period of time I forgot the importance of dreams. But I got it back.

I don’t imagine my work will ever gain any artistic or commercial value, that is far removed from my mind. But I do have fun…so much fun. FotoSketcher is one tool that brought me closer to that realisation.

13 thoughts on “One Four Challenge – FotoSketcher

  1. I forget sometimes that there is a conflict between OS and and editors when recommending them. I for one have never used fotosketcher, but It looks like you have got some good results. If you want a good and free alternative to Photoshop I can recommend Photoplus.

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