
I’m In The Mood For…Pink

It’s Friday and that means it is time for another edition of AfterBeforeFriday Forum, hosted by Stacy Fischer on her blog Visual Venturing.

Loré Dombaj ABF38 before

I desperately needed color, light, softness, something to get me through these cold, rainy days. So, I pulled out this image from last summer and gave it a breath of life. Just to get me through, until spring comes along.

Loré Dombaj ABF38 after

Compared to other participants, I rarely post details to my post-processing. Mostly, it is because I am too lazy. 😀 But honestly, my post-processing is always the same, very simple, using PicMonkey and PixlrExpress most of the time. If I ever stumble upon some great revelation about editing images, I will be sure to share it with you. 😛

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Don’t forget, next Friday is March OnePhotoFocus and we are editing my image, which I am sharing below. So, be sure to check us out next week.


21 thoughts on “I’m In The Mood For…Pink

  1. lensaddiction says:

    Nice process, the tight crop and the softer pink with the glow effect works really well here 🙂

    Your image for the One Focus challenge has kept me entertained all week BTW, there has been swearing!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Oooh, this just reminds me of the soon-to-bloom gorgeous cherry blossoms around Washington, D.C. As others have commented, I too really love the beautiful softness that your post-processing gave these lovely blooms. And the tight crop emphasizes what’s so special about these flowers – the incredible pinkness of them all 😀

    And I’m just loving how everyone is being challenged by your photo, Loré. I’m beginning to get submissions, though I haven’t yet had a chance to open any. It’s going to be fun to see!!!


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