
Fly Me To The Moon

I tried to contain my imagination last week and now this happened. I fear what would happen if I contained it for a longer period of time. 😛 I can’t help it, it seems my philosophy is if you are going in, go all the way.

When choosing an image for the ABF Forum, I browse through my folders in search of something that speaks to me. This week I stumbled upon this little discarded thing in my Salzburg folder. I visited Salzburg few times and really enjoyed my time there. There are so many interesting and wonderful things to photograph, so it makes me that more sad to see how I managed to take so many low quality images.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFor this one I refuse to accept the blame, because it was taken at the twilight (I hesitate to use that word ever since those horrible books/movies 😛 ) and back then I had no idea what ISO was. Ok, I know it is my fault, but I was an ignorant fool. These days I am not ignorant, the other thing still lingers around.

Enough of my meaningless blubber, I know you are dying to find out how I achieved this spectacular after image.

I have the strangest working process, with no starting point or idea what to do. So, I imported the image into PicMonkey and fooled around for a bit, with no satisfying result. When that happens, I start clicking on random things, before all hope is lost. This time I clicked on the “Space” effect and kaboom! The idea of some crazy fantasy space exploration in a horse carriage came to my mind and the real work could finally start.

First thing – GIMP. I don’t like it, I don’t understand it. But that doesn’t mean I wont use it. Removing parts of the image worked great. After that, my darling PicMonkey took the center stage and we went on our usual ride. After I cropped the image, I dealt with the colors. Sliding the saturation bar to the max made the colors really shine, but messed with the sky, which  I managed to hide with the “Space” effect.

In the end I discovered how dense I am, again. I just figured it out, I can change the color of the vignette. Eureka! ( 🙄 ) So, I went for a purplishblue vignette and there it was. My final After.

I don’t know about you, but I think this would be a perfect children’s’ book cover. Now, I just need to write it. 😛

Next Friday we are having another OnePhotoFocus, where all participants edit one and the same image. I know this info puts you on the edge of your seats, but be patient. In the meantime, you can always check my posts, regular schedule is Monday to Friday, weekends are reserved for my beauty sleep.

Now, go…check out all the fabulous peeps on Mrs.Fabulous blog Visual Venturing.

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18 thoughts on “Fly Me To The Moon

  1. Loré, your imagination never ceases to amaze me! And your skill with the programs you say you don’t get certainly seems expert to me. I wouldn’t even know how to begin to accomplish this using my workflow. Fantastic after image, and I agree with Mary – great children’s book cover. Now, about “Twilight,” let me just say I went to an all-day marathon showing all the movies and ending with the premiere of the final one. So no hating on the vampires 😜😄

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You’ve done a great job with this image, it looks really cool and sounds quite a complicated process. It would be a very good cover for a children’s Christmas story, that should give you a few months to write it! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Emilio Pasquale says:

    Great work, Lore. Great imagination! Someone has mentioned Gimp to me but I haven’t tried it yet! Looks like I should if I can get images like this!

    Liked by 1 person

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