I was I am I will be Free

Time for another entry in Friday Fictioneers challenge, courtesy of Rochelle Wissof-Fields. If you want to give it a try, check the info on her blog. 100 words more or less, inspired by a photo, here we go….


 Copyright – Ted Strutz

“Do you ever regret your choices?”, he asked her, washing his hands at the small sink, watching the water  disappear down the drain.

She got up from the chair and walked to the window: “Do you?”

He turned around, one eyebrow lifted in a questioning look: “Regrets? I am not the one behind bars. Your choices got you here, childish notion that you can change the world. Maybe this is not my dream job, but at least I am free!”

She looked at the world outside and smiled:”Even in my cage, I am more free than you’ll ever be.”


Inspiration is a strange animal, leaps at you from the most unexpected place. I was watching a TV show the other day, SF genre, one that I find surprisingly good and imaginative. The lead protagonist’s world got turned upside down once she decided to open her eyes and really look around her. She finally understood she was fighting for the wrong future, just because someone told her and she didn’t ask any questions. I wonder how many of us go through life not asking questions and keeping our heads low, not willing to risk our comfort for our freedom.

42 thoughts on “I was I am I will be Free

  1. Nice perspective of freedom Lore – a perspective that is closer to my heart too !

    I guess you might consider re-visiting the line – “I am more free then(than??) you’ll ever be”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautifully written, if complex nature – the philosophy you push is deeply controversial and severely underestimates your audience I think. The only people who I know that are ‘free’ are tramps. The ‘freedom’ some feel they have is usually funded by others, and true freedom means the freedom to inflict harm on others. I think it is a very dodgy philosophy that requires much self centredness. However, it makes you short story extremely interesting and real – and valuable


    • Oh, what a comment. If only for this, I feel I did good with my story this week. The only part I disagree with is about underestimating my audience. Quite contrary, I aim to challenge people to think, probably missing that mark too often. But I try, nevertheless. I learned early in my life not to underestimate and judge people, through my own not so pleasant experiences. As for the subject of freedom, it is too complex to simply put it in words. Freedom means so many different things to so many different people. And even in this story, there are two sides and I don’t think either is right or wrong. The question I am trying to ask is – in this world we live in, with our everyday jobs, bills to pay, loans, responsibilities to our families, our employers, our community, city, government, burden of simple survival…Are we truly free as we think we are? And what actually freedom represents to us personally?
      Anyway, thank you for your very deep and inspirational comment, I enjoyed reading it.


      Liked by 1 person

  3. Love that you focused on the window mesh and on what’s inside the room–especially since you have a new take on the “inside” than I’ve read so far. I enjoyed this!


    • This is my 11th story for FF and I learned few new things by writing these stories, reading other people’s stories and comments. That is what I consider important, to learn something new every day. One of the things I picked up along the way is to look beyond the photo and dig for a deeper story. I don’t know if I manage that every time, but I try.
      Thank you.


    • I think with the word “freedom” we encounter a difficulty to identify and define the exact meaning, because freedom can be so many different things, and yet again we can argue that nobody is truly free. The thought that this little story inspired some of you to pause for a second and think about it, that is one of the best rewards I could imagine. So, thank you for that.


    • True words, it is easy to fight for your freedom when you can feel the shackles. But those invisible chains that bind us, that is tricky. Many of us don’t even realize that we spend our lives imprisoned, by others or by our own device. I can’t remember the exact words, but I read it somewhere – Even those who are free are bound to the notion of freedom.
      Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I am so glad you recognized that, it was never my intention to say who is right or wrong. Flash fiction can seem very limiting at times, but in truth those short stories can lead the reader into so many different directions. If I gave more feedback to either of those characters, maybe people would pick sides. Thank you.


  5. Such an intriguing story that leaves your readers in deep contemplation about what freedom really is and if it truly ever exists. We’re born free but quickly thrown into a world full of rules and regulations. The general idea is that if these chains didn’t exist, it would be total chaos….but have we ever even given that chaos a chance?


  6. I love this.. the freedom is not what we usually would think of free.. those choices might end up behind bars.. but there are bars inside our souls as well.. and to be freedom is also to have done what we really wanted…


  7. MM Jaye says:

    “It is interesting how freedom can be such a universal and yet again an individual thing at the same time. ” I am of the same mind. It is also elusive. Millions of lives have been lost while striving for it, and then those who survive and achieve their cause discover that they are more enslaved than before. Your take on the prompt was both original and well delivered.

    Greetings from Greece!
    Maria (MM Jaye)


  8. Dear Loré,

    “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose…” Couldn’t help it.

    I love your glancing take on the prompt. Exactly what I encourage…what you see isn’t necessarily what you’re looking at.

    It seems your MC knows what true freedom’s about. And there are many prisoners walking around “free” aren’t there?




    • There is a learning curve to everything…I remember someone’s comment on the first week I joinned FFs, how there will be so many stories with the same obvious subject. So, through all these weeks I was trying to learn how to respond to photos you post, how to search beyond obvious…but most of all, how to express myrself and how not to be afraid to show vulnerability and hidden corners of my mind to the world. How to be honest.
      So once again, thank you, Rochelle…for everything you do.


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